Friday, September 2, 2011

2/3 ain't bad.

One of the saving graces of a job where you are stuck in a house for ten hours with ten people is having one of those people be someone you like. Luckily, we occasionally get to all work together on a shift but more often than not there is only one or two of us on a shift together.

Having someone to look across the room to, when Melon* starts talking about how when she was a kid her and her friends found a dead bum in the woods or how she thinks Microsoft is watching her, is the one thing keeping you from telling Melon that she is bat $h!t crazy.

So, as much as we all like to work with each other we don't always get to... but thank goodness for at least having 2/3.

*this is one of our agreed upon pseudonyms, we'll tell you about everyone else later.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Just starting out...

We had been planning on starting a blog a few years ago to give the world or a very small portion of the world (whoever bothers to read this online) an idea of what the average human service worker goes through in a moderately large group home. Jump ahead a couple years and we had yet to start it. Well, we have quite a bit of back rants to catch up on, now don't we?! So, here it goes!

Between the three of us we have close to a half a century of experiences to rant about. To us these stories bring back funny memories, aggravated memories, and some just plain hostile feelings towards come of our coworkers.

Obviously we plan on protecting the privacy of our clients, coworkers and ourselves, so over the next few entries we will establish pseudonyms for those that we work with. We may possibly refer to someone as "Lazy Smurf" or "Crazy Smurf" or even in some extreme cases we may resort to the use of profanity *gasp* I know... like I said "extreme cases". Which I have to say are most cases.

So that brings us to the end of this brief introduction to what we consider a valuable log of our trials and tribulations. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we do venting about it.

And now for our feature presentation...